Biodiverse for Life


Proposal for Food Gardening, Harvesting and Cooking Instruction

for Seniors at a City Multiservice Center.

(Contact info for the volunteer guide running the project)

Goals : The initial goal of this two year project, would be to help participants successfully grow and harvest at least one food plant at their home. This initial success would encourage growing additional food plants. There are a variety of herbs and greens that are very hardy, nutritious, delicious, easy to grow, and maintain! Additional plant materials and gardening support would be provided in the second year of this project.

Methods : Utilize the gardening and cooking resources at the multiservice center to teach people how to grow at least some of their own food at home. This will immediately increase the nutritional value of food consumed in the home. In addition, the example of food growing at one home can serve as an example of technique and as a source of additional seeds and plants/cuttings for the surrounding homes.

The first year of this project can be broken into three phases:

Phase I

  • Meet with participants/seniors to determine if there is interest in learning more about this topic.
  • If so, discuss what space and location options exist for home food growing.
  • Discuss simple inexpensive and/or free methods for improving soil fertility, provide some free materials if needed.
  • Parallel deployment of food plants at the multiservice center and to participants to plant at their homes.

Phase II

  • Weekly monitoring and discussions with the participants about the development of their food plants at the center and discussions comparing their duplicate plant’s development at their homes.
  • Demonstration of harvesting and plant care techniques on the plants at the center. Participants can then duplicate these practices at their homes.
  • Simple, nutritious cooking demonstrations at the center with harvested food plant materials.

Phase III

  • Simple seed saving and plant propagation (through cuttings) would be taught and practiced.
  • Develop simple written care instructions and recipes for the deployed plants that can be easily shared physically or electronically.
  • Encourage participants to share information and resources with their neighbors.
  • Deploy additional plants and seeds to experienced participants.

The multiservice center would not be expected to provide any money or materials beyond the use of the premises. With a volunteer guide, cost of the entire program could be kept well under $100.00.

Prototype for a Small, Low Cost, Quick Start, Home Food Garden
Summer planting, Manna House, Houston, TX

Installation date:
July 9, 2010


4 x 12 ft

Time and manpower required to install:

2 hours, 2 people: a 14 year old male, and a 52 year old female

Materials and cost:

Leaves------------------------one yard bag full ------------------- free
Newspaper------------------one paper grocery bag full----- - free
Mushroom compost-------------------------------- 3 bags------- 11.91
Manure compost------------------------------------ 2 bags--------- 2.70
Texas native hardwood mulch (shredded)---- 4 bags------- 11.92
                                                                  TOTAL COST = $ 26 .53

The amounts and composition of the materials can vary a lot and could include other dead organic materials such as compost, grass clippings, other dead plant material etc. It is good to have composted manure (any animal) as part of the mix. It is also important to keep the percentage of dead plant material and manure very high (~80%), i.e. not too much sandy material. As the dead plant material breaks down over time it feeds the plants and the beneficial soil organisms that also feed and protect the plants. No external source of commercial (organic or nonorganic) fertilizer is needed.


The starting ground was covered in grass and was mostly clay. Most of the area was broken open to ~half a shovel depth and most of the grass removed. The grass was saved in one of the emptied mulch bags and saved for later use as compost. Parts that were too difficult to dig were just covered over with the materials. The leaves and sandier materials were spread on top of the broken (or unbroken) ground. Newspapers (~3 pages thick) were spread over this. When planting plants or seeds make sure to break through this newspaper under the place you are planting. Then the mushroom compost was spread over the newspaper, leaving the edges of the newspaper on the perimeter of the bed uncovered. A very thick edging of newspaper was placed over the previous layer of newspaper around the perimeter to act as a grass barrier between the bed and the surrounding grass. A thick layer of Texas native hardwood mulch was placed on top of the mushroom compost and over most of the edging newspaper.

Irrigation method:

Hand watering with water transported in gallon jugs from the adjacent building. After a week of getting the plants established (~5 gallons per day), the amount of water will be reduced to 5 gallons per week for the summer when it hasn't rained recently. The water is delivered to the base of each plant or over the seeds. A heavy layer of mulch, and the high percentage of organic material in the bed, helps to hold the water and reduce evaporation losses.


Weeding, watering, harvesting. Additional organic materials will need to be added as they become available. This will continue the process of feeding the plants and keeping them healthy. No external source of fertilizer is needed. Manure or compost can be mixed in the soil as new plants and seeds are added to the garden. Dead leaves, dead plants, grass clippings, mulch, shredded newspaper etc., are just piled on top of the bed between the plants. They can be pushed around to make room for new plants or seeds.

Summer Plants:

Plants were obtained from cuttings, or extra sprouting, or leftover seeds from another garden for free.
Greens and herbs are the best plants to grow in gardens with limited space. They are extremely nutritious, delicious, and can be continually harvested throughout the growing season.

Mexican mint marigold (tarragon flavor, perennial) 5 plants
Basil (save seeds for next year) 3 plants, one from a cutting

Lambs quarters (reseeds easily, save seeds for next year ) 1 plant
Sweet potato vine (perennial) 4 plants from cuttings
Egyptian spinach (save seeds for next year) ~7 plants
Cholesterol spinach (perennial) 1 plant from a cutting
Bottle gourd, Lau (save seeds for next year) 6 seeds

Cherry tomato (can reseed, or save seeds) 2 plants
Cucumber 8 seeds

Other great summer plants: okra, Thai eggplant, long beans, mint, oregano, ….

How to take care of your Mexican mint marigold (Tagetes lucida).

Loves the Houston summer heat! This plant is a herb that tastes like tarragon (anise flavor). The leaves (and flowers) are edible. The leaves are the part that is used as a herb. Delicious fresh, they also keep their flavor well when dried. The plant is a perennial; it may die to the ground in the winter, but comes back in the spring. It will get bigger every year, eventually about 2x2x3feet. It gets yellow flowers in late summer. Cut branches half way down to harvest when needed and to help promote new growth. Great fresh or cooked with meat, vegetables, eggs, and for tea!

How to take care of your Egyptian spinach (Corchorus olitorius ) and lambs quarters (Chenopodium album, C. gigantium, C. berlandieri).

Loves the Houston summer heat! Both are annuals.

For lambs quarters plant seeds in the spring. Source: Wild or ‘Seeds of Change’. This plant grows into a bush ~3x5 feet tall. Lamb’s quarters makes very small seeds from tiny nondescript flowers and can be saved. If you watch the ground around the plant throughout the year, you will likely see new plants from seeds that have fallen and reseeded on their own! More nutritious than spinach and contains all essential amino acids!

For Egyptian spinach plant the seeds in the spring and early summer. Source : 'Kitazawa Seed Co.' The plant will grow 3x5 feet tall. Two plants are more than enough for one family. In the fall the Egyptian spinach will make seed pods that resemble tiny okra. When the pods are mostly dry you can harvest them and save the seeds for next year. High in beta carotene, iron, calcium, and vitamins C and E.

For both, harvest the greens by pinching of ~2 inches of the growing tips (where they break off easily). The more you harvest, the more the plants will bush and the more food you will get. You can use the stem and leaves of the tips you harvest for stir frying or in soups.

How to take care of your sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas ).

Loves the Houston summer heat! Perennial. Grows best in some shade. Take some cuttings and root in water inside if it looks like a freeze in the winter. This plant grows into a bush ~3x5 feet tall. Harvest the greens by pinching of ~2 inches of the growing tips (where they break off easily) or longer vines and just use the leaves. The more you harvest, the more the plant will bush and the more food you will get. You can use the stem and leaves of the tip, and all the leaves from the vines you harvest for stir frying or in soups. High in vitamins A, C, and calcium.

How to take care of your cholesterol spinach (Gynura nepalensis).

Loves the Houston summer heat! Perennial. Grows best in some shade. Take some cuttings and root in water inside if it looks like a freeze in the winter. This plant grows into a bush ~3x3 feet wide. Harvest the greens by pinching of ~2- 4 inches of the growing tips (where they break off easily). The more you harvest, the more the plant will bush and the more food you will get. You can use the stem and leaves that you break off for stir frying or fresh in salads. Studies in rats indicate it can help reduce cholesterol levels.

How to take care of your Lau, Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria ).

Loves the Houston summer heat! Sun, afternoon shade ok. Annual. It is grown for its edible young gourds, eaten as a vegetable, and for its tender green leaves and stems that can be sautéed. For greens harvest ~2-3 feet of the growing vine ends. Use ~the first 4-6 inches of stem, leaves and tendrils and the remaining leaves to sauté/stir fry. For some of the older, larger leaves you may want to turn the leaf over and pull off any tough vein fibers. Starting where the stem meets the leaf, pinch the outer surface of the stem between your thumb nail and a finger nail and pull outward toward the tip of the leaf. This is one of the most delicious summer greens! If you let one of the gourds ripen and dry completely you will have seed for next year!
Source : Kitazawa Seed Co. ‘Early green skinned’, ‘Long opo’

Some Recipes.

Basic sautéed greens: Serve with brown rice and raw nuts (or an egg) for a nutritious and delicious quick meal. Mince ginger or garlic. Sauté briefly in olive oil, medium high heat. Add greens and salt. Stir fry until done to taste. Sprinkle with a little water if needed to keep from drying out while cooking. These greens are delicious on their own or mixed with any other greens.
Sautéed lambs quarters greens : Sauté onions (and a little paprika) till soft. Add rinsed growing tips (they may still feel ‘dusty’). Stir and cook till tender, sprinkling w/ water to keep tender.
Lau and Shrimp curry: Peel and cube ~5-6 cups of young gourd. Sauté ~ 1cup chopped onion in olive oil and one or two small hot green chilies. When onion starts to soften add 1-2 tsp of curry powder and a pinch of turmeric. Stir and cook a few minutes. Add ~1lb of peeled shrimp each cut in several pieces, cook and stir a few minutes. Add gourd and a little water. Cover and cook until gourd is cooked (~20 min). When done there should be some liquid for sauce. Adjust salt and curry powder to taste. Turn off heat and add chopped cilantro. Stir and let sit covered a few minutes. Serve with brown rice.
Simple salad: Slice young cucumbers (leave skin on), salt, lots of freshly ground black pepper. Sprinkle with a little red wine vinegar (or other). Add a few cherry tomatoes and/or some raw cholesterol spinach. Enjoy! Shredded fresh mint, or other herbs, or an avocado are also good on this salad.


Installation date: July 9, 2010, summertime, Houston TX, ~8 gallons of water/week when not raining

Manna House Garden : Day after planting Three weeks after planting : Seeds sprouted and plants recovered and growing.

Manna House Garden : Day after planting
Three weeks after planting : Seeds sprouted and plants recovered and growing.

Interact with the real world !    Open to real wonder !    Experience true satisfaction !    Cultivate a garden now !